
February 10. Zimbabwe.

We enter Zimbabwe safe and simply by hitchhiking. A couple takes us all the way for a minor gas contribution. We end up in a typical Zimbabwean household, the head of it introduces himself as an entrepreneur waiting to make his next move as he struggles with the symptoms of the dictatorial regime. He calls our host Bruno who comes to pick us up with a comfortable car and welcomes us to a nice home where we will use the guestroom. It's fantastic, it's Gold Card couchsurfing, we indulge, we relax, we cook on one occasion, jump in the swimming pool on another, converse about our mutual interest of charitable works. They - Bruno and Thomas - are NGO professionals we admire for their professionality. The Belgian NGO Volens has sent them here and they are working on capacity building, the single most important thing we need to spur the emancipation of Africa.

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